Monday, December 29, 2014

To Murphy

We lost a good friend tonight.  Murphy passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly.  Even as I write this, it's hard for me to believe.  This is my way of processing, I guess.  It's always been easier for me to write than to talk, and looking back at some of the pictures we've taken reminds me of all the good times we had together; not that we need reminding.

He has been Rambo's best friend for several years, now.  They seem like brothers... like the perfect companions.  It will be harder on Rambo than on us, I think.  I have no doubt that horses have incredible bonds to one another.

 Wild and free.

There are two ways that I will always think of Murph. This is one, peeking around the barn as we prepared to bring Rambo to HIS pasture.  Murphy was curious and mischievous every day of his life.  This moment is the perfect encapsulation of both.

This is the other.

It's been quite a ride, old friend.  We will miss you.


Anonymous said...

wow . . . i am truly and deeply sorry for your loss, I know that the horses have been one of the constants in your lives for the past years.

Adam said...

So sorry to hear this Keith. You guys will be in our thoughts...


Adam said...

Awww... so sorry for you guys. Those are some truly wonderful pictures-to go with some even better memories I'm sure.

K said...

Thank you, all for your compassion and kind words. We went to the barn today to console ourselves and Pat and Rambo and Bodie. There was an obvious tear in the fabric of the pasture and a great sense of loss. As you say Ian, there are only so many constants in our lives, and for Sarah and I, Murph was an important one. Memories are a time machine and I'm certain that as we move forward, we will travel often to the gauzy sunshine lit fields that we shared with Murphy. We are truly grateful for every moment of his time. He taught us so much. Love and gratitude from us to you.

Karen and Pat said...

Sarah and Keith - what a beautiful tribute to Murphy. I am so sorry for all of you, Pat, Rambo, Sarah and Keith. He was a great friend and partner.
Love, Mom