Wednesday, December 3, 2014


First off, before any mistake is made, lets be clear that the first four pictures are ones that I took.  All the rest were taken by Darren.  Another way to say it is, if it looks good, it wasn't taken by me!  Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday... and by always I mean for the last few years when I've been less excited about tearing off the wrapping on a GI Joe.  This year was a great one, too!  Most exciting, our friends Livia and Darren came with us.  Livia is going to Cornell for her MBA and Darren takes amazing pictures and makes great food.  Livia helps out with both of those things, too.  Darren was kind enough to play the role of Grandpa Harrington, always behind the camera, so we have lots of great pictures.

A rare picture of Darren (check out that dapper vest!) without his camera.  He had to put it down to use his fork.  He and Livia contributed a phenomenal Chinese dish to the dinner with spices and beef, cooked spinach, and peppers.  Everyone raved about it.  The turkey was perfectly cooked, there was mashed potatoes from G'ma H, curried fruit from G'ma Rockwell, Grandma Gin's carrots were prepared by Becky under Grandma Cressman's tutelage, mashed sweet potatoes by Pat Harrington, cranberry compote by your's truly, eggnog corn cake and potato soup by Jenn, an awesome salad by Sarah that mostly got saved for Saturday, of course a cherry pie, and stuff I'm sure I'm forgetting.  I ate so much I have amnesia.

Jonas was a riot, trying to fit into Maggie's bed.  Here it looks like he's trying to will his tail to hop in.

Sarah and I threw a small soirée at Veneta's on Saturday night to celebrate the beginning of our second decade together.  More on that in the next post.  It was so much fun to have a fire in the fireplace and totally reminded me of christmas at Grandma and Grandpa Cressman's house.

Zhora got SUPER dressed up for Saturday's party.

The photos below were all taken by Darren.

Livia and Zhora read for awhile before dinner.  Livia joked that they were both learning the alphabet.  (In reality, her English is fantastic, and so is her sense of humor!)

Speaks for itself.  Beautiful girls.

Zhora helped out a lot.  She set the table, helped Grandma Karen around the house, and put the sherbet balls in the glasses.

A meeting of the bald and bearded.

On Saturday morning Livia and Darren went to the barn with Sarah and Veneta.  They made fast friends with the residents!

This is Will.  Veneta is his person.  He's quite the character and we all love him a ton.

Looks like somebody got Darren to relinquish his camera.  Such is the power of the John Deer.

1 comment:

Karen and Pat said...

Great Post :) I am loving the
Thanksgiving Holiday, as well. I love hosting it and am grateful that everyone tolerates the crowed conditions and my kitchen boundaries (Bob). I can't wait till the next time we are together - this crazy dispersed, close knit extended "family". I love you all so much. XXXOOO Mom
Extra love to those who were not here this time - we missed you.