Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Little Backpacking Trip

So, sometime between when Ian and Elefteria visited us and when we went to the beach, I took a hike with a buddy of mine and my dog.  We'd planned to go for four days, but as often happens, time got compressed and we went for three.  Unfortunately (or not) we missed a turn that led to a lean-to that we'd planned to use for our second night and we hiked ourselves right out to the car; which resulted in a 13 mile hike on the hottest day of the summer (98 deg)!  Sweaty and tired, we decided to stop at the homestead, clean up, grab a six pack and head to another campsite to hang out for the last evening.

This is the first campsite we stayed at.  It's near a lean-to and overlooks a deep gorge with a beautiful cascading river.  There was enough dead and down wood that we could keep a nice fire going all evening and again in the morning to cook on.

Jonas enjoys a rest at the end of hot up hill hike.

This is the line I hung up to dry our clothes after we washed them in the river.

Rustic clothespins

Vinnie spent an hour (easily) hunting fish in the river with various sizes of rocks.  As I made the fire and started cooking dinner and set up the camp, every few minutes I'd hear a huge splash and crash as he threw huge rocks into the water in attempt to crush us some protein.  He was so proud when he came up with these two fish.  (Think anchovy for size, here) 

Yet another picture of my favorite hiking partner and camp helper extraordinaire. 

The second day I got up, built a fire and made some coffee and oatmeal.  Here you see my favorite tool and the wooden spoon that I carved while sitting at the fire the night before.

Jonas carried his own food and water.

Vinnie, at least, carried his own water.  Note Jonas finding the nearest available shade.  Luckiest Australian Cattle Dog ever.  What would he have done if he'd been born on a ranch in the Australian Outback?!

Toad at the camp on the second night.

The first night's fire pit had apparently been too small to really attract Vinnie's attention.

This fire pit was more to his liking.

He spent A LOT of time tending the fire.


He also spent a lot of time trying to crush dinner again.

Fortunately I brought some stuff with us.  Dried rice and beans with local, fresh salami, green pepper and onion from our garden..

And a couple cool Phin and Matts pulled from the river.

For dessert we had backpacker's s'mores: roasted marshmallow on cool mint cliffbar!

This is the awesome campsite in Shindagin at which I've always wanted to stay. It was also the last trip for the megamid.  I unceremoniously traded it in to The Old Goat when we got back to town.  I'm too old to deal with a floorless tent, I guess.  Plus, the number of people willing to go camping with me has been seriously reduced by this thing.  Ask Ian about it if you want to hear a real horror story.  (Still feel bad about that blood letting, buddy)

The Osprey rides again

Vinnie took this picture of Jonas and I on the trail... it was a great little trip!


Nathan Oberlander said...

That's great! Wish I could have been there. No joke, I can't believe Vinny caught any fish that way, so props to him!

LeAnna said...

I really loved this post. Jonas always makes me smile with his shade and coolness searching. And I'm super impressed by your friend's fishing skills! Pretty badass. Looks like you guys had a good little adventure!

Karen and Pat said...

Nice post. Glad you and Jonas finally got your overnight hike in! Have you had a chance to try out the new tent?