Friday, August 16, 2013

Belgium Comes to Cooperstown

After we got back from the beach, I left for the weekend on a humanitarian mission in Cooperstown.  Though my time is valuable and I my work can demand high wages, for weekend of August 3, altruism was the name of the game and I volunteered my time to support this important cause; bringing high end Belgian beer to the thirsty folk ensconced on the lawn of Brewery Ommegang.

I brought a toolbox filled with vegetables and tubers from the garden.  There was no real plan, but I figured this selection might spice up some other meal we would score.

We rolled in on Friday afternoon and set up camp at the top of the property, overlooking the brewery and the soon to be filled tents and awnings.

My compatriots, Erik (left making a stupid face) and Sam (right, that's just how his face looks) in front of the Chateau Bassington as set up and organized by your's truly. 

The Brewery itself looks very old and traditional in the form of Belgium, but is actually only about a decade old.

There were tents at this event that the Chateau could have been pitched inside of!

Our volunteer duty was the Friday evening VIP dinner.  It was a fiasco, but we managed to survive and have a relatively good time despite it being our first experience (hopefully the last) in the service industry.

Sam managed to weasel his way out and basically sat in a golf cart the rest of the night.  It was hard work, too, he insists.

The line up for the first course!  There were five courses and 7 beers!  I made sure that my fellow servers remained hydrated and that the diners were getting only the best beers.  No stale or flat beers went out from MY station...

The next morning I awoke to a quiet, if slightly disheveled campground and grilled the veggies that I'd brought with some spices and olive oil and served it up to the boys.

Erik and I toured the grounds and the brewery (it had lots of big metal containers and tubes)

Sam had rolled out of the tent (literally... we were on a pretty steep hill *note for next year) by the time we got back, so we played a rousing game of bocce.

Saturday afternoon the brewery opened to the general public, and oh how they swarmed in.  Two huge tents were filled with dozens of brewers, all showcasing their Belgian style creations in addition to some other exciting brews.  

I scored a ticket to attend the Hop Chef competition where 5 gourmet chefs prepared their meals with and then paired their meals with Ommegang beer.  Above is a rather unappetizing looking, but incredible tasting foie gras on thinly sliced toasted baguette with Ommegang Rare Vos glaze and roasted pistachios.  It was nice to have a little something to eat to keep me going. 

The Aftermath
Subtitled: Why I hate festivals and people

Sunday morning I made one last pot of coffee, broke camp, fluffed the grass, and left at least 100 sq.ft in pristine condition.  It was a little rough at times, but if you are looking for a way to ease into volunteerism and the altruistic lifestyle, I can recommend BCTC to get your wings.

1 comment:

Karen and Pat said...

So, THAT was a serious lot of people and it looks like it was a serious lot of work also! But, it also looks like you also had a great time. Love, Mom