Thursday, October 26, 2017

Heavily Brewing

Back at the beginning of October we threw an Octoberfest party at Erik's (photos to come) and a surprise birthday party for Vinnie the following day.  His girlfriend found a brewery called Heavily that had a loft we could rent.  These are the only pictures I appear to have taken.

First breakfast burrito

A couple weeks agwwo we went to the Farmers Market and got breakfast.  Sarah shared her breakfast burrito with Emmett and he ate about half of it.  I don't think that's what Sarah had intended.  The next time we went (with Kurt, Denise, and Alyssa), Emmett got his own burrito. 

He finished it, in case you were wondering.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Birding at the beach sequence

This is the series of pictures that made me think to do some sequences.  I love how animated these ones are.  Of course you can totally feel like you're there, because we all know how Mom is with the grandkids.  So funny!

Peek-a-boo sequence

Sequence Shot Series

I've been going back through my albums and realized that, as a result of shooting multiple exposures regularly, I have many funny or at least fun sequences. I'll share a few of my favorites with you, starting with some older ones.

The Ocracoke Island Ranger Station.  On the boardwalk.

What would you do with a drunken sailor?

Monday, October 9, 2017

Begin dream sequence

I think, upon reflecting on just how many pictures I've taken and how long it's been since I've posted, that maybe I'll do an old post and then a new post until we get caught up. You know, kind of artsy flashback style.

A couple cool guys, ready for a summer day.

Emmett cuddling with Mama after a swim in the lake out at Pat's.  We've not been getting out there as much as we used to, which makes me a little sad, but we still love it.  Abe loves to run around with Pat's current pack of wolves.

Early July, 2017: First birthday party for Emmett, Willa, and Lara.  We had a lot of fun despite all the people.  I'm not sure who invited cyclops.

Cake eating contest.  This was taken before Emmett finished his and went after Lara's.  Go team!

Slack lining.  Always entertaining to bust this thing out for a bunch of people who've been drinking beer in the sun all afternoon.  Safety third.  FYI, Sam didn't do that well on the walk that postceded this picture.  Next up, Octoberfest from this past weekend, then maybe some beach pictures.  Who knows!

Summer pics

Editor's note:  I started this post a looooong time ago.  I don't even know when.  Sarah can comment and let us know dates.  Anyway, I have been wanting to blog again, mostly so that I will remember what the hell we did someday when we have time to sit down and think about what we did, rather than what needs done.  Anyway,  here is a small out of date collection.  I'll try to post some more recent stuff this evening.

Mom and Dad just left after a long weekend and we welcomed Marjie and Tess to the hostel.  It's so good to have friends and family come to the house.  We've been out and about the last couple weeks, so I thought I'd share a few pictures.

Father's day dinner at the Scotch and Sirloin.

Riding up the Black Diamond Trail with the kids!  We had such a great ride.  We past lots of smiling people and even got to stop and help a damsel in distress.  Go team.

Emmett giving the trusty stead a quick inspection at our half way point.

Emmett loves daycare

Man, this must be from awhile ago. This book is long gone.  Loved to pieces.

From our early summer beer trip.  This is the line at Treehouse.  Not worth the wait, IMO.  Still, we had a great time traveling and camping together.  Vinnie even met us on the spur of the moment.  Wound up being Jevon, Erik, Zach, Vinnie, and I.  We camped at Suarez Family Brewery; which was much cooler than Treehouse.

Vinnie rocking some crazy do.

Brew dog at Suarez.  I thought about dognapping her, but she had a pretty good thing going.

Rehanging the gutters with Pop Harrington.  Still keeping the rain out as I type!

More projecting with Dad.  16# hammer.  I call it The Persuader.


Early attempts on the balance bike.  His legs are a little short, but he's got the gannas

Monday, June 19, 2017

Is it summer yet?

Summer has come to Ithaca.  The laundry is on the line... often getting rained on, the campfires have begun, the garden is booming, and the grass feels good on bare toes.  Almost every morning Emmett drags me to the front door.  He likes to check on the birds and then go outside and check for rain.  He puts one arm out first and then walks out into the grass.

Sarah is working her tail off getting the garden secured from pests.  The tulle worked so well last year that she put it over the cabbage again this year.  Hopefully we'll be able to remove it without ruining it this time around.  We put up a new fence as well.  The chicken-wire had gotten too ratty.

Some of my favorite fires start out as daytime brush burns.

A random walk.  We don't walk as much as I want to, but we're doing pretty well.  We'll keep trying to improve every day.

It's funny to watch how Emmett learns what his toys represent and how to use them.  He has definitely figured out what wheels do.

Reading with Mama.  His reading endurance is increasing, which is nice.

Not a desert tortoise, but she's pretty cool anyway.  The red eared sliders and snappers and painted turtles all like to lay their eggs in the cinder along the trail.  In a few weeks, it'll be littered with the remains of the shells and the next generation of turtles will waddle into the pond.

A hot day at the market!

Self feeding is still in its infancy.  It's definitely more theoretical than practical.  Still, the little dude does like to try.

A brisk dip in Cayuga at Becky and Phil's beach house.  We had such a good time grilling and chatting and hanging out with Becky and Phil and Moe a couple times last week.  It was so great to catch up and hang out and eat good food.

Summer time brings mountain biking.  I woke up early Saturday morning and watched the moon set while I loaded the bike onto the Subaru.

Everything is so lush and fecund.

On Saturday the trail was pretty slick and washed out from all the rain.  It was a stressful and dangerous, and not that fast.  It was more like the trail rode me that the other way around... still, it was a better day than one without a bike ride.  Sunday's ride was much better.

Hanging out at our friend Heather's birthday party.  Next month, her daughter, Lara, will be one of the babies at the Brooktondale Babies Birthday Bash.

We finished up the evening at Zach's new place.  Lots of kids, lots of good conversation.