Monday, April 6, 2015

Philadelphia 4: John's and Schmitz

Just to recap, we drove into Philly on Sunday and visited the ESP, then went to Victory for dinner. The previous post about Mutter took place on Monday morning.  After many hours in the museum we were hungry and had cheese steak on our minds.  We've been watching Bizarre Foods lately and saw an episode that took Andrew to  John's Roast Pork.  It looked so good (and, oddly, not bizarre) that it immediately made our list.

The place is a little hole in the wall, and ordering is a little intimidating, but it's well worth the trouble.  We shared a roast pork sandwich and a Philly cheese steak.  Mr. Zimmern claimed that the roast pork was remarkable, and maybe it is, but we agreed that the cheese steak was the better of the two.  Lunch was simple, good, and filling.  We were energized to head out again.


I don't even know how many pickles we ate.  Many.  We do love pickles.

We did very little shopping on this trip; only stopping in a couple "vintage" shops, but we couldn't pass up a surprise Buffalo Exchange!  I benefited from the logical sizing of men's clothes.  30" pants are almost always 30 inches.  A medium shirt is medium.  20 minutes, in and out... unfortunately, that was 10 minutes to late for the meter.

Nevermind that parking ticket, though.  Heeeeeeeeeeres wieners!  Boo had told us about this German restaurant first, and then Erik sent me a text that said, "If you do not take your lady friend to Brauhaus Schmitz, you are a [jerk]".  The boys were right, Schmitz is amazing.  We shared a couple beers that can't be found anywhere else in the United States and a nice big plate of wursts with mustard and knödeland cabbage.  And we ate under the glow of the German purity law (Reinheitsgebot)!  That's not as scary as it sounds; it dictates the ingredients in a good beer. 

I'm not sure if there is a German law about sausages, but the beer and the wursts were both fantastic.  

Sarah did all the driving while we were in Philly, which was great for me.  I don't feel like I have a lot of room to complain, but that hasn't stood in my way before.  The bumper sticker says it all.

So glad we live where we do.


Karen and Pat said...

What a great trip! Good food. Good sites! Great company!! See
you soon :)

Adam said...

I really love all of your trip posts! It feels like I've been along for the ride. I can't say the sausages looked good to me, but the pork and cheese steak looked amazing. Now I have cheese steak on the brain.... I'm kind of bummed that they moved our Buffalo Exchange to old downtown. I get it, with the "hipsterization" that's going on down there, but it's much further away and harder to get to for us.
