Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Snow days

Oh, you know the drill.  Just relaxing at home.  Winter is here, finally and we are really enjoying it.  My friend, Vinnie, and I continue to prep and be stoked about an upcoming winter back packing trip.  Hoping for enough snow that we can ski.  So I've been doing a lot of cross country to prepare.  The moon is in its gibbous phase and casting enough light to ski to.

Did I mention that Vinnie has never skied before?  Yeah... so we went out the other day and did 5 miles.  We get along well because we both like to suffer.  To his credit, he endured more falls (by a long shot) and a bigger blister (only by a little).

Eva is probably our least snow dog dog, but she still likes to get out after the squirrels. 

Sarah and I skied our faces off this weekend.  Ski club on Friday, cross country on Saturday, Greek Peak on Sunday and Monday.  Good fun.  Zhora even came out with us on Monday.  Pictures and story to come shortly.


Ian said...

I am not a big skier, but you guys make it look so fun. miss you guys and as always, i wish we were around to hang out for a coffee or something.

Karen and Pat said...

I am so glad that you guys like the snow. I would hate for you to have to endure it all and hate it! I love the picture of Eva, the second one and the selfie of you and Sarah...love it!! Can't wait to see the ski pics of Zhora. I miss you guys. I WILL see you in March. When is the big ski trip? Please don't permanently damage Vinnie.

Adam said...

Looks like fun conditions at the ski hill. If its gonna be cold it might as well be snowy!
We've had a couple good days up at Mt. Charleston, hoping for a few more good storms but right now its in the 70's all week so who knows...
I hope the snow sticks around for the XC backpack trip. That would be awesome.