Thursday, January 29, 2015

Music and other inpiration

This is just a collection of videos I've been watching lately.  I'm always looking for inspiration, although I don't even aspire to anything like this.  Doing a 360 spin on the ground is super exciting and plenty for yours truly.  A simple bunny hop over a log makes my heart happy.  Still, it's so cool to see what some people can do.

This first video comes from a ski movie called All.I.Can, which is great as a ski movie, and has a little bit of a message about global warming.  This scene is by far my favorite.  I've probably watched it 15 times so far.  Keep your eyes peeled for the moment he hops between the chains of an old school swing.

This Danny Macaskill movie is new to me.  I had to watch it a couple times, plus check out the behind the scenes before I could believe it was real.  Did he just do a forward flip over an exercise ball onto a railroad track?!?!?!?!  For real?!?!

Sick.  (The kids say that sick means bad, or cool, or groovy, or the bees knees; depending on the reader's generation).

It's 10 minutes long.  I promise you won't regret a second of it.  Detroit never looked better.

And this, my friends is Asaf Avidan.  Thank you NPR.

Monday, January 26, 2015

A dry winter

Postapalooza!  I don't have much to say or show, but here's an update anyway.  We had a good weekend with the horses followed by a rough weekend with the horses.  Still, Rambo and Bodie are doing alright.  Rambo got sick. We're not sure what he caught yet, but he's responding well to the antibiotics.  Bodie continues just being a misanthrope.  Two weeks ago, we rode on a cold and blustery day.  See Sarah's outfit for proof.  Rambo was awesome!  He went out at a voluntary, sustained trot.  It's hard for us to remember that he's 31 years old and blind.  I rode Bodie like Sancho Panza to Sarah's Don Quixote.  We had a lot of fun.  Notice how little snow there is.  We've had quite cold weather, but are trapped under a high pressure bubble and are getting very little snow.

I like to give Zhora a hard time because she makes great faces when she gets frustrated with me.

Speaking of frustration; goodbye Mac Book Pro... hello Dell.

Nothing like a Cayuga Sizzler from the roadside hotdog stand after a hard day's work in the woods.  Remember when I used to be vegetarian?!  Crazy.  Still, there's a lot of vegetable matter on top of that hog gut.

While perusing the beers at the Finger Lakes Beverage Center I came across a new offering from Rogue.  Or more accurately, a new offering from John Maier's beard; wild yeast collected from his beard and and used to ferment beer.  The consensus so far (those polled include Dad and Sarah) is that this is gross.  I haven't drunk it yet, so I'll withhold my opinion.

It was windy this past Sunday, and I was shaky, so forgive the blurry image.  Still, I love this shot.  Rambo is sick, the weather is aggressive, and the footing ain't great, so we just took the boys for a walk to get them out of the paddock and doing a little work on the lead lines.  Look at the way Rambo's forelock is blowing over Sarah.  And cuddled up together?  So cute.  Their coats even kind of match!

We went over to Bob and Jenn's for dinner on Sunday, and Bob pulled a couple Pliny the Elders out of his fridge.  If it's not the holy grail of IPA's, it certainly would have been good enough for the last supper.  I'll say, I don't know if I would have written about it if I hadn't known about all the hype.  It's a solid IPA, but these days there are so many good beers, it's hard to say one or the other is best.

We are certainly not getting the epic snowfall of NYC and Boston, but we got a couple inches today, so after taking care of the dogs and getting the stove lit, I went out for a night run.  Better skiing than the last couple weeks, that's for sure.  Also, I managed to get my wax right, so that always makes for a more enjoyable trip.

I guess that's about all.  Indy continues to heal well.  Sarah has had her pulling sleds full of wood from one pile to another.  Jonas and Eva are both good, too.  We have been pretty lazy in the evenings and have enjoyed each others company on the couch, feet up towards the stove, telling stories and watching ski movies.  Hope all is well in your corners of the world.  Cheers!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Always something new... and old

Snow and wind.

Is there anything better than keeping yourself and those you love warm with your own muscle and know how?

Went out to the barn the other day for a walk.  Rambo is mostly blind now, but he is healthy otherwise and seems in good spirits.  Fortunately, he has a seeing eye primate.  You gotta love the love in this picture.

Warming myself a second time.

Ok, I'll admit the house coulda been a little warmer last night.  "Fire it up!" says Sarah.  Teacher friends will know what I'm talking about when I relate that it's been so heart warming to listen to Sarah learn how to use her sewing machines.  Every couple minutes I hear "hmmmm" or "Oooh" or "Ah!" ...or "Shit." The sounds of learning.

"Look what I did!"  After a test drive, Sarah proclaimed the pillowcase fit for her sacred pillow.  Not a bad first project!