Saturday, January 25, 2014

I've been finding quotes pertaining to woodworking and the like everywhere, lately

"Whatever works... is the best way to do it"  -Tom Silva

"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first six hours sharpening my axe" -Abraham Lincoln

"Too many clamps are not enough." -Tom Silva

"If you aim for perfect, you'l get pretty good.  If you aim for pretty good, you'll get fire wood."

"You're new at this [wood working].  You're hands aren't banged up enough." Charlie Pomada

"The things I make may be for others, but how I make them is for me." Tony Konovaloff

"WOOD: If God had intended for you to use it, he wouldn't have made plastic" -Dave Barry

"One only needs two tools in life: WD-40 to make things go, and duct tape to make them stop"

"Everything with a power cord eventually winds up in the trash" -John Sarge

Watch at least 9:00-10:00 for Roy's secret to guarantee that your woodworking is flawless and just right every time.


Nathan Oberlander said...

Love the Lincoln quote. St. Roy is the best. The bench hook is such a brilliantly simple answer to one of the biggest problems I've had!

K said...

i heard that lincoln quote a couple years ago, and I think about it all the time. i can't track down it's origin, which makes me a little wary. in fact, from what i've read, it looks like the first time it appeared in print was in a zig ziglar book. it is posted on the lincoln library site... whatever, it's a great quote. Roy is a wackadoo, but i can handle it most of the time. what i can't handle is how cavalier he seems with his measurements and cuts. swear to god, i'm six times more cautious and 100 times less accurate. don't know how he does it. i love my hold fasts. as soon as i get a bench vise, i'll make some of his bench hooks. did you get a chance to work on the knife some more?

Nathan Oberlander said...

Give yourself 30 some odd years experience and you'll probably be able to measure true with your eye too! Plus remember most of what he does on film is just rough examples, far from fine finished craft. Just demonstrating technique. No work on the knife. Maybe tomorrow. Not sure yet what I'm gonna do, fix it or start another.

Karen and Pat said...

Nice quotes :-) Nice visit with you and Sarah this evening. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks? xxoo

Nathan Oberlander said...

Here is another quote for you, "Measurement is the enemy of accuracy." -Christopher Schwarz