Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wintery Holiday Feelings

Eva and Jonas have been super cute and cuddly, lately.  This morning they waited for me to finish my coffee and soaked up some morning wood stove warmth. 

We had a lovely morning today so I thought I'd snap a couple shots of the outdoor decorations Sarah made. 

All the fixins were collected on our hike the other day (see post below). 

The sunrise was just lovely. I had to break from fillin bird feeders to take a few shots. Of course the pictures do it no justice, but perhaps you have a vivid imagination. 

A little hipstercam action. I miss the ole Polaroids. 

Tonight we decorated the tree. 

Some familiar favorites. 

Sarah did a marvelous job. It looks really classy and classic. 

Mom, believe it or not, I even helped with the lights!


Karen and Pat said...

Keith and Sarah - Thank you so much for the winter~holiday review! Sarah, your artistry is amazing and beautiful. I love the outside winter planters. Keith all the pictures are lovely, but I really like the sunrise and that one artsy one, but then there is the puppy dog pix - makes me miss mine! Enjoy the season in all its glory and keep the pictures coming. xxoo
PS - it makes my heart sing to see the Lone Ranger on your tree.

Karen and Pat said...

What is Zhora's birth date?

Sarah said...

Zhora's birthday is July 6, 2010

jill said...

Keith and Sarah,
I love the wintery photos but really like just keeping them photos! I really enjoy my 80 and sunny. Love the puppies and the art. Have a Merry Christmas Uncle keith and Aunt Sarah!

love jill, kurt and the girls

K said...

Hahaha! Thanks, Jill. We did the warm all the time thing for a few years in Nevada. We certainly seemed to have less gear out there, but we do enjoy the activities up here. Kayaking, hiking, birding, horseback riding, mountain biking, downhill and cross country skiing, camping, brewing beer, pressing apples, running, backpacking, swimming, splitting wood, cutting trees, gardening, canning, birdhouse building, etc. We do keep busy and the seasons keep it interesting. Not to mention, the cold weather gives us an excuse to cuddle on the couch by the wood stove. At least that's what we nourtherners tell ourselves when it's 8 degrees outside ;-)