Sunday, December 15, 2013

In a Wintery Mood

Well, it seems that there'll be no joking around about winter this year.  In some years passed, the snow falls and melts, falls and melts, and it seems that the decision to actually have a formal season cannot be made.  Not so this year.  The snow has been falling, the mercury is low, and the wind, she blows.  All of this has made us quite festive.

I stopped at the Old Goat on the way home from work mid week, inspired by the afore mentioned meteorological constitution of the area.  Of course I took them for a spin that very eve, despite no pine tar or wax.  In hindsight, this worked out well and removed all the old tar and wax, though I cannot claim to have had a plan.

Sarah has been in an especially festive mood, too.  The snow and the fact that we will be home for x-mas have conspired to spark her imagination and creativity.  It's been fun to watch her decorate and I've benefited greatly from her knack for aesthetic beauty.  

It has been snowing all weekend, so (after waxing the skis) I went out for a trip yesterday morning.  The light was poor, so I doctored this shot.  It gave me intense pleasure to ski out my front door.

Jonas and I took the usual path around the field and then out and down the old train track.  The corn that didn't get harvested looked especially stunning covered in fresh snow.

We had to work a few things out as Jonas has never been skiing before.  He learned two new commands, "Let go of the pole!" and "Get off the ski!"  And I learned how to get up off the ground without taking my skis off.  I guess we're both great teachers.

The beavers on the oxbow down the road from us keep several spots on the river (now beaver pond) unfrozen to get to the shore and back into the water.  This is one of those.  They're always a bit creepy, to me at least, in that they seem intensely dark and deep.  In truth, this area is less than five feet.

My beard looked like this, too, but Jonas lacks the dexterity and interest requisite to operate the camera.  Thus, he gets to be the exemplar. 

Old timey skis with an old timey photo docterin'.

Waitin on the biped.  Down another wintery trail.

When we got home, the smell of leeks and eggs, parsley, coffee, and not the least, bacon, wafted heavily and heavenly from the house.  Sarah had made breakfast.  She also cut a thick slice of whole grain sourdough bread, toasted and buttered it, and spread a cranberry chutney over top.  Needless to say, it was appreciated.

Putting a wine cork to work on  a wooden ski.

After breakfast, Sarah and I went for a hike looking for fixins for the x-mas tree, door decoration, etc.

We carried our basket together like a couple of young romantics.  It filled quickly with pine boughs and dogwood branches and various sundry grasses and berries.

Sarah made an incredible tree topper out of broom corn, and while I am hopelessly biased, I will say anyway that it is incredible.

See what I mean?

Meanwhile, in Virgil, Zhora seems to be enjoying her new house and the season in which it and she now reside.

Happy ladies!  Who says winter brings on the blues?

Ya just gotta know what to do with it!

And this is how much snow we got over a 24hour period.


LeAnna said...

I feel all festive just looking at your pictures. I confess that sometimes I watch the snowfall from my iPhone weather app (when I'm looking at Ohio's weather of course) - they have awesome animations - it's so serene. Hope to see you soon!

Karen and Pat said...

Keith - What an awesome post!! I was so hoping for some news from home. As always, your picture and prose, made me smile and LOL :-0. Sarah, I love your tree topper! Your Zhora pictures are adorable and I can't wait to hear about the ballet. Enjoy!
Love, Mom