Saturday, December 28, 2013

And then it felt like the season...

We were within .4 degrees (Fahrenheit, for our friends using other than the empirical system... I guess that would make the rest of the world colonial?) of setting a new record for warmth last week (cuz that's how we roll), but this week nature pulled itself back together and dumped some snow.

I rode in what felt more like spring weather than winter, last weekend.  Rambo and I had a lovely time looking for turkeys in spite of the soft drizzle.  Honestly, we enjoyed wearing our rain gear, and watching the water droplets drip off my hat brim brought a smile to my face.

Total label purchase.  The beer wasn't quite as good as the label, but how could it have been.  I'd definitely buy it again... in fact, I think I did.  I'll have to check the fridge.

Sarah's plan was to go ice skating on Christmas Eve day.

We had a lot of fun and all stayed pretty close to the wall!  Just like rollerskating, I've never learned to stop.

The snow started falling while we were at the skating rink and just kept coming down.  When we went into the rink, there was hardly any snow on the ground.  By the time we were driving home it looked like this.

Sarah started cooking right away.  I'm pretty proud of this shot.  I don't usually point my camera at people, but Sarah's not just any people, and this was a holiday.

Veneta and Zhora danced and danced.  There was a lot of christmas music, but it was a holiday, so I persevered.

It was so cool to see the girls all cooking together.  The house smelled incredible and rich.

This magnificent looking piece of decadence is an egg nog cornbread cake with accompanying pomegranate sauce to drizzle over the top.  Sarah busted out her blueberry sauce as well.

Veneta and Zhora continued to play!  I had to sit down and rest from watching them.

Everybody was in the clean plate club on Christmas eve.

After dinner, Z and I had to go look for reindeer.  She took the light saber and reindeer dissuader to keep them from biting.  I told her that they spit like llamas so she needed safety goggles, too. 

All ready to go look for Santa.

1 comment:

Karen and Pat said...

What a totally delightful post! Thank you so much for sharing your Christmas magic. I don't even know what to comment on...Zhora goes without saying - there is nothing like Christmas with a child. How wonderful that you were all together. Much, much love, Mom