Saturday, July 31, 2010

Glen Highland Farm Summer Camp

I'm exhausted. When is the period over? This has been an amazing learning experience. After the first two days I thought I'd gotten in over my head, but then the tide began to shift, the bickering began to stop, and the kids gained focus, determination, and purpose and camp got fun. I've been running and biking with the kids everyday. They tolerate my horrid basketball "skills" and I praise their ability to not drown in 3 ft of water wearing life vests. Old Man Bemis was told around the fire last night and visited the cabin soon after. I've never laughed like I did this morning when I awoke to find 6 city kids crammed in two beds to thwart the ghost of Bemis. The first session ends on Wednesday and I'll miss almost all of them. Can't wait to see their final performance with their dogs.

My Fleet

The UnFixables

The View

Zee. One of the many lucky ones... I love her.

At Spring Farm Sanctuary... Lots of cats...

and horses

and donkeys

and more horses

and kids connecting.

1 comment:

Karen and Pat said...

Keith, I love the last picture on your blog! I hope that kid is as precious as he looks. It is Wed. night as I write this and I am thinking you have said your goodbyes to one group and must be getting another...thinking of you and hoping that things are going well. I hope we have a chance to talk about this experience sometime. Love you.