Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Scones, gardening, and the lash

Sarah B made some awesome blueberry scones last weekend.  From scratch, with fresh blueberries!  Ate the heck outta those!

 I experimented with a hobo stove... and some cheap beer left over from our PA vacation.  Thanks again for the Gerber, James!

 Got some logs from one of my jobs and some tomato plants from Erik.  New section of the garden officially planted.
 I learned a new trick for lashing logs at 90 degree angles and had a lot of fun until...

 I inflicted another scar on one of the pricier spots on my skin.

 Just like Lincoln Logs!
 With a mallet!  (called a baton)
 Indy inspects my work.

 She can't really see this piece, which is for the best.

But the lower pieces look good!


Unknown said...

I like how you've rated the most valuable parts of your skin. Interesting approach.

I decided to resurrect my blog in preparation for Scotland. You should follow it.

K said...

Will do, Matt. Even though it's going to make me insanely jealous!