Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Pedant and the Philistine

We're expanding the garden, yet again, and Sarah and I spent the better part of the day working outside on the warmest day of the year. Fortunately we'd thought the plan through and were taking it easy raking, ripping up fence, hauling full wheel barrows around, swinging the mattock, and digging post holes

These are the new beds. We're having to steppe them now, as the yard drops off precipitously.

Here is "our" toad.  She was really shy and hard to get a picture of.  I gave up quick because I felt bad about chasing her around on such a hot day.  And by "I felt bad", I mean, I almost passed out of heat exhaustion.  So I hope you're enjoying the picture.  I don't want to hear about it otherwise.

So here we have Sarah's weeding style; deliberate, methodical, and highly effective.  Perfect for say, a garden, where one might want to one day see a plant or get food.

One at a time, selecting for the stronger plants. 

Carefully discarding the waste.

And here is my weeding style.  I'm not what you would call a precision weeder.  Honestly,on my list of desires is a flame thrower attachment that hooks up to a propane tank.  If someone made a product called a FRden Bazooka I'd buy it sight unseen!

Whatever our styles, we do enjoy the work, and the time together.  And we do produce fine results.  The posts should be up tomorrow...maybe.

1 comment:

Karen and Pat said...

So, Keith - I am really behind...I just read your last 3 blogs! Wow. I don't know what to comment on first! I think it is sooo cool that you and Sarah and "the boys" had your adventure. Very cool. I find the pictures by your students pretty disturbing - makes me wonder??? And, finally - your garden is phenomenal! Whatever are you going to do with your harvest? Can't wait to get in a visit - so much to talk about. Love you, Mom