Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Acadia, the park

As mentioned in the last post, we were the only campers in the whole park, so you will not see other people in this photo set.  Obviously, if given the choice between being cold or being around people, I will choose frostbite every time.  And it wasn't even that cold, especially during the day.  The park is a lot smaller than I pictured it.  Given a week, I think I could hike over most parts of the peninsula, and from our camp we could walk down to the ocean, and up to the mountain tops.

There are lots of boardwalks and bridges in the park as you approach the ocean.  I was surprised by the size and breadth of the rivers since the peninsula is so small and the ocean so neat.  It seems like the water would just run off the mountains all over and down into the ocean, but not so, it still coalesces and runs to the ocean en masse.

This photo just looks like a painting to me.  It was surprisingly lush and green for so early in the season.  I guess evergreens will give a park that look.

This boardwalk made me want to go mountain biking.

This is just a romantic shot of light streaming through the trees.

The last of the river, from the delta, as it streams toward the sea.

The river becomes the ocean.

Sarah listening to the crash of the waves and the rolling of the rocks.

After a cold night's sleep, we got up, made some coffee, some tea, and some breakfast (oaties), and headed for the mountains.

Frozen bubbles.

A shot of Sarah before she saw the camera.

Sarah is thinking of teaching a hiker's safety course at Cornell.  Lesson one, how not to wear your hat for maximum trail seeing.

Pitch pine.

Livin on the edge!
Livin way to close to the edge for comfort.  Wow, that's a long way down!

What did you say?  There's a Trader Joe's on the way home?  We MUST need something.

1 comment:

Karen and Pat said...

Keith! Your pictures are just awesome! I have heard from a number of people that Acadia was their favorite ever and your pictures certain attest to that. I'm not so good with the cold, but how awesome to be there without the crowds. I may have to "borrow" a couple of your photos to use as cards. Can't wait to see you for mom's day :-0 although if I don't get my day of requested pretty soon, it could become a problem :-(