Thursday, August 22, 2019

ADK again! Meacham Lake and beyond

Our second annual Lind/Bassington camping trip was this past weekend.  This year we headed all the way up to Meacham Lake, which is in the very northern point in the Adirondacks.

Got the normal amount of support on the drive.

Our campsite was fantastic and right on the water.

These pictures are from Saturday morning.  First picture was taken at 4:40 am.  It's hard to sleep in when it's this beautiful outside.

I love this picture.

Our hike up Debar Mountain.  This crew hiked 6 miles!  (Well, mostly.  Emmett rode most of the time).

After 5 miles, Zach and the girls thought they'd run a little!

Epic canoe trip.  We estimated that we crossed 8 or more beaver dams.  Still, we had a LOT of fun.

Emmett took a little nap.


On our first hike of Debar, we turned back a little less than half a mile from the top.  Monday morning, I got up and finished the run.  The last .6 mile was super steep and slippery and great fun.

1 comment:

Karen and Pat said...

Beautiful photos, Keith. Looking forward to the stories 😊