Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Emmett suplimental

Not a whole lot has been going on here.  We're all mostly healthy, finally, which has been nice.  The weather has been up and down and all around.  The last time I blogged, I'd been inspired by a day out in the canoe.  Today, I am sitting inside on my second snow day (even Sarah got the days off!) after hours of shoveling.  We haven't heard a final tally yet, and it's hard to tell because of all the drifts, but I'd say we got well over a foot in the last 24 hours.  Maybe 18 inches.

A couple weeks ago, our package from Ikea arrived filled with precisely packed parts that transformed into a cool little high chair for Chops.  While I worked on the high chair, Duder played baby tetras with the boxes.

Sarah posted some pics and words about this little brunch on Viber, I believe.  Here they are again, for good measure.  From left to right they are: Anuk, Cowen, Emmett, Maximilian, Bea, Don't Know, and Eve.

The Dads' Corner.  I chatted with the guy in the blue shirt for like half an hour before we realized he's the brother of a buddy of mine.  Small world.  Everyone was really nice, and the potluck was delicious.  Several of the couples are ones we know from prenatal classes we attended, a couple go to swim lessons, and I work with one of the moms who showed up.

Max's dad took the pictures here.  He has a good eye and is unobtrusive.  Like Darren, we didn't really notice him taking pictures, but he got good shots all the same.

Another hike.  

Then the weather warmed up into the 60s for a couple days.  This is a shot that Sarah took from a walk one morning.

Last weekend we attended a spelling bee to raise money for grants for teachers.  Emmett's favorite word is cacophony.  He acts out his favorite word whenever he can.

The High (chair) Life

Last Friday I chaperoned a field trip for the humanities class.  They were wrapping up a unit on the French Revolution and we made several stops around Cornell.  We went to the Johnson Art Museum, the rare manuscripts room at the Olin Library, the conservatory, and finally we stopped to see and hear the organ at Anabel Taylor Hall.  It is an exact replica of an 18th century organ from Germany that was destroyed during WWII.  It creates a cacophony.

Post dinner bath!  Happy man.

We got off to a nice slow start this morning.  Lots of cuddle time, a little house work, a lot of shoveling, and now some blogging and photo organizing.  

Hope everyone else is having fun.


Karen and Pat said...

Nice post, Keith. We have had a gentle day also. G'ma will be happy. She misses our blogs.

Patrick said...

That's one happy guy!��