Thursday, October 13, 2016

Bikes and flowers and markets and autumn leaves

On Sunday we woke up to a beautiful, crisp, sunny day and headed down to the market.  Sarah and Emmett and I have been impatient to get back on the Waterfront Trail and do some more exploring, so instead of parking at the market, we parked at the Children's Garden on the far side of Cayuga and road over the inlet and around to the Farmers Market.

We're really happy with the bike trailer.  Em. C. Harrington fits in their nicely inside his carseat and the seat snugs in tightly with the lap strap across it.  I'm surprised at how smooth the ride is.  The Dude was awake and looking around for some of the ride, which is super cute, and then he fell asleep in his chariot.

The market was busy, but we managed to get all the food we wanted anyway.

Cormorant on the lake.  Waiting for a fish to swim by.

Friends ride bikes together.

Boo had to head home at noon on Sunday, so we said goodbye to him in the parking lot, but we hadn't had enough bike riding yet.  Sarah says, "Let's go!"

These are some photos I took in the Children's Garden.

I like this one a lot.

On the way home, we had to stop and take a picture of our bucolic valley. 

Getting ready for the next season.

After a long, wonderful day, we're ready for bed.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Looks like a wonderful time! I especially love the closing shot of you and your little dude. What a cutie pie. And you guys really are killing me with all of this fall weather stuff. I hope you're having a great time with Mom and Pop Harrington!

