Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Return to Ocracoke!

As y'all know, we headed back to Ocracoke this weekend after a couple or few year hiatus.  Sarah vowed that, "There will be beach!"  She made it so.  And it is good.  -Bassman 20:16

The Dude was a real trooper in the car.  We stopped every couple or few hours for feeding, gassing, and bathroom.  I'd like to blame all the stops of the Chopper, but honestly, half of them were me and my small travel bladder.  The toys that Andy and Gayle got for his car seat really came in handy this trip... he spent a lot of time just quietly staring at them.  We're certain that;s an indication of his extreme intelligence.

Eva and Jonas are along again; it feels a little like having the band back together to all be headed south on 12.

Honestly, how are we gonna make America great again when we can't even get our bumper stickers on straight?

Ocracoke Coffee Company!  Still here.  Still great.

Ok guys, enough goofing around.  When do we go to the beach?

 Prepping the beach wagon!

Setting up camp.

Emmett seemed to love the warm breeze and sound of the waves.... (I'm mostly basing that off of the limited amount of screaming and crying rather than anything he said explicitly.)

The usual crowd.

The bird watching has already been good.  I have been running each morning and come upon many birds that way.  I even ran a couple miles down the south point, where, to my knowledge, I have never been.  Saw green herons, ibis, egrets, and pelicans down that way.  There was a beautiful pine warbler (my first ever sighting!) at the nature center near Manteo.

Yup.  This'll work.

Welcome to the family, Emmett.


We're really happy with our camera choice.  This shot was taken from 20 feet away!  I didn't even have to get out of my beach chair :-)

More to come.  We went on a schooner trip last night!  Headed to the Historic Center today and the beach, and maybe a nature walk if time permits... then back to the beach.


Adam said...

Great post and wonderful photos. I can almost feel it. So happy for you guys, enjoy every second (and I'm not talking about the beach)!

Karen and Pat said...

So glad that Emmett is initieated into the family beach society (although I'm sorry I missed it). Drink as an okracoke coffee for me and enjoy!!! xxxooo

Karen and Pat said...

You be beachin'!!!
Enjoy, Dad

Ian said...

great to talk to you all this evening. happy healthy and at the beach, doesn't get much better. it will be a good day when we can get them all to the beach at the same time, i sure hope it will happen one day. the photo of the crab is astonishing. what camera did you all pick up? can't wait to hang out all together.

Adam said...

Great post! So glad you guys are able to get away before school starts. Little Emmett seems to be filling out a bit! Have a great time!
