Tuesday, July 5, 2016

First trip to the barn: Meeting Aunt Pat

First, an update on the life and function of the blog.  In the past, I have used this as a journal, an outlet for my photography, and as a vehicle for communicating with family and friends.  Hence forth, it looks as though the blog will primarily become my journal of events and activities in our lives.  My hope is to do a little something every day, even if it's just one photo with a caption.  My hope is that we will have something to look back on further down the trail.

I feel like the form and feel may change a little bit with the function.  This may or may not matter to anyone, but I thought I'd put it out there.  Now, on with the show.

Eva and Bindi have been having a nice visit... even sharing a bed together.

Eva and Jonas and I took a little trip around the lake.  On our way, Eva found a turtle quite interesting.

On Monday, the dogs really came around.  They had moped for a couple days, maybe because we'd been gone for three days, but coming home with the Chopper didn't seem to set them at ease.  Monday morning, while Em C and I were chilling on the couch, both Eva and Jonas came up, sniffed his feet, and settled down beside us.  Now, they are more likely to follow anyone who is carrying Emmett than go anywhere else.  Pretty cute.

I can't say we really have a routine yet, but if we did, cuddling on the couch late at night and early in the morning would be it.  This shot, staged, but accurate; early in the morning.

Our first trip away from home was to Pat's.  We saw dogs and trees and horses.  We touched some leaves and enjoyed  a nice long car ride.

Sarah took this shot... It's an early favorite.

My beautiful family.  Could I be any richer?


Karen and Pat said...

Why are there dog pictures with my grandson's??😜
Keep 'em coming!

Linda said...

Lovely photos. :)

Adam said...

Great! I'm looking forward to the more frequent photos.