Sunday, July 17, 2016

Catching up still.

After Gangie headed back to Ohio, she tagged Grammy and Pop H in.  They brought Leanna with them for a quick visit the second half of this past week.  We had a lovely time chatting, shopping, walking, and holding Emmett.  The dogs gave us no end of smiles, too.

I'm not sure Grammy filled her grandkid tank, but she got some fuel in it.  Hopefully enough to get her to Greece.

Maggie cleaned the house for us, even the hard to reach places like behind the dishwasher and under the counters!  I seriously thought she was going to get stuck a couple of times.  The dogs were great.  They got along and were nice to the kid and seemed to have a pretty good time even though they weren't the center of attention.

We didn't do much eating out this time, but we did get to Ithaca Brewing Company one afternoon.  Dude's first brewery!  He didn't imbibe though.  Just hung out and enjoyed the camaraderie and the ambiance.  We ran into our friends Summer and Brian and their young one, and then Zach's family showed up!  "Figures." was all Zach had to say.  

Margaret delivered, and Erik welcomed, Wilhelmina into the world on July 12!  So cool.  Brooktondale grows.  We kept in touch by texting until Friday, when we went over to meet the new Frank.  She's about 7 lbs and looks so tiny compared to the Dude.  But look at that hair!!

On Saturday, we organized the family and headed up to Geneva at the North end of Seneca Lake to meet a guy about a bike.  It was a lovely drive and we were really intrigued by the city of Geneva.  It was very historic looking.  I assume it was a mill town and trade center when the lakes were used for transporting goods.  There are some incredible looking old mansions there and beautiful parks.  We definitely want to go back and do some exploring. 

 We decided to take advantage of being there and drove down the West side of the lake to hit FLX Wienery for lunch.  Dude's first trip to the hot dog stand! 

Dad and Dude.

Just gorgeous.

We got home later than we expected, but still managed to get some gardening done, trued the wheels on the new bike, and did a lot of feeding and changing the kid.  All in all, a nice few days.  Back to work tomorrow.


Ian said...

Hey, things look great. Hope G'ma and G'pa will get a chance to make it back up sooner than later. Can't wait to get a chance to hang out. How was the bike?

Ian said...

Oh, and congratulations to your friends as well. Great that Emmett already has a close friend.

Karen and Pat said...

I don't think my g'ma tank will stay full, but I plan to enjoy to the max every fill-up. Love the pics, the one is Sarah is just beautiful.

K said...

Yes. She is magnificent! I'm so lucky.

Aunt B said...

Love the blogs. Sure wish it had worked out to get there so I could get some great aunt time in. Ah well, another time. He is beautiful and his parent's don't look to bad either.

Much, much love - Becky