Monday, February 9, 2015

Snow day #2!

Today was another snow day; my second this year.  We got another few inches overnight and it continued to come down throughout the day.  Sarah went to work, to her chagrin, and I was left to my own devices.  After contemplating maybe heading to Greek Peak, the cross country bug won out and I headed to Pat's barn via Taughannock.  When I pulled in, there were no other cars in the lot and the snow was fresh and untrod.

The river and the falls were all mostly frozen and snowed over.  It was so quiet except for the chickadees and titmice and a cardinal.  The river gurgled under the ice.  All those sounds were acceptable accompaniment to the swoosh swoosh of the skis.

This grove of eastern hemlock is beautiful in any season.

First across the bridge this morning.

Sarah says she likes my smile in this shot.

It was a grey and snowy day, but it was still beautiful.

On my way to Pat's the road became a little difficult to follow.

The man.

21st Amendment Brewery has released a fantastic new beer in a phenomenal new can.


Adam said...

You're actually making me miss winter! Enjoy your snow days!


Karen and Pat said...

Keith - I love the picture of Rambo! It looks like he is up to neck in snow, which apparently is not to far off the mark. You should be ready for your ski trip - is Vinny? Zhora pictures are a delight :-)

Karen and Pat said...

LeAnna and I were in a gallery yesterday and saw a picture that we are sure was taken in Ithaca!