Saturday, February 7, 2015

New tele set up

I skied in my new telemark set up for the first time last night.  Of course, I got everything on the cheap and went old school.  I tell myself that old school stuff reflects a respect for the roots of a thing.  Axes, hand tools, hard-tails, all leather hiking boots, straight skinny skis, 3 pin telemark set up with leather boots, etc.  In reality, the beautiful thing about having old or out dated ways of doing things is that one always has an excuse for screwing something up or not finishing a project.  See my on-going kitchen table project or continued ineptitude on the mountain as examples.  Anyway, I had so much fun that there was no time to take pictures.  We're going out again today and maybe there will be something to add to this post later.  For now, I submit for your amusement an image from the internets.



Adam said...

I'm jealous of all the snow you guys are getting.

K said...

Yeah. It's been a great winter! The slow start scared me, but the last few weeks have been unreal. We're waiting for the next storm to start. Winter storm warning in effect from 4pm today until 7 am on Tuesday. Check.

Karen and Pat said...

Since I have no idea what tele skies are, I am looking forward to seeing you pictures...I'm sure I will be much more informed at that point. I am so glad you are enjoying the snow, since it seems there is no end in sight!
Love you, Mom