Monday, February 16, 2015

A few additions to the previous post, which you'll see first since that's the way blogspot does it.

So we got out of the truck, and I saw the little kiosk with flyers pinned to it.  "Hey," I said.  "I bet there're maps of the park over there.  I'm gonna go check."  Vinnie took all of the following photos.  Notice that three out of four are at my expense.  That's what friends are for.

This photo is not a set up.  The snow next to the parking lot was frozen solid, and I walked across it.  The snow on the far side of the pile was considerably softer... and chest deep!  I had a heck of a time trying to get out of it.  Vinnie found it quite comical.   Speaking of things Vinnie cracked up over...

Lest my readers think that only Vinnie fell over.  This little fiasco started with a little hop over a hump of snow.  Again, notice how deep the snow was beside the trail!  We were on a hard packed snowy highway.

Digging into some trail mix after a 5 mile ski.  Need to refuel.


Adam said...

wow, what a beautiful day you guys got! The shot of you up to your armpits in snow is awesome. I'm glad you guys are having a good winter but I wish New England would share some of that snowfall out this way.

Karen and Pat said...

So, i am also glad you are having so much fun!! However...i DO NOT wish for any snow whilst we are in LV!! I am very much enjoying the 70 degrees and sunshine!!!! Have fun and do be careful. See you in spring :)

Adam said...

You're a great storyteller. I'm glad you guys made it out with all of your digits!
