Saturday, July 19, 2014

Getting ready for winter.

On my first real day of summer vacation Jonas and I went out to Pat's to make firewood.

Jonas did some great supervising, as usual.

Man, it feels good to see the fruits of your labour.  Sick tree standing.  Sick tree felled.  Felled tree bucked.  Bucked wood split.  Split wood stacked.  Done.

Now, who deserves a vanilla milkshake?


Karen and Pat said...

Everyone needs some work where you can stand back and see what you did and call it a good day!

Unknown said...

And what your Mom and I have accomplished today is help me put comments on your blogs!

I especially enjoyed the picture of Sarah and Zhora running in the waves!

Brought back memories of my eldest granddaughter and me likewise engaged at S. Padre Island when she was about that age...just a couple or so years ago....? And I have pictures to prove it.

Hmmmm--do I have trees for you and Jonas to which you could apply your skills!

Happy days are quite evident in your pictures and comments!

Love you lots,
G'ma Nancy

K said...

Hurray! It's great to see your comments on the blog, Grandma! I hope you had a GREAT birthday. We thought about you often throughout the day.