Saturday, June 14, 2014

Life is good

These pictures are from a few weeks ago.  Jonas and I went out to the ranch to convert a few sick trees into firewood.  Here you see the inside of the ol' truck.  Still goin' despite the rust and the electrical issues.  The truck, not Jonas.

Happy dog, looking forward to a full day of supervising.

A pretty good indication that what proceeds will be fun.

The canopy before we begin.  Note all the odd bends and angles.  By some strange coincidence, the trees I cut never grow straight or have a clean fall line.

Look at that hinge!

Makin' a clear fall line.

Jonas likes to supervise.

The primary target.  I'm pretty proud of my problem solving skills here.  The tree was rotten (as you can see) from the roots to about half way up and posed a real challenge to a controlled fall.  Using a humboldt undercut allowed me to take advantage of the worst of the rot, and cutting high increased the "good" wood to help control the fall.  Plus the stump makes a great end table now.

Paul Bunyan's pick up sticks.


Supervision duties have concluded for the day.

Nothin' like a well earned hammock ride... 
does that tree look a little crooked to you?

1 comment:

Karen and Pat said...

Nice work, Jonas! He seems to be coming along nicely :-)