Monday, February 17, 2014

A Better Than Average Weekend

It started with snow.  Then there was snow in the middle.  Also, there was snow at the end.  In between, there was snow.  Also, there was chili, and walking, and lots of good food and conversation!

We went to a couple museums, but I only thought to take photos at the Johnson Art Museum.

The bodhisattvas are always inspiring in deed as well as in the artwork they inspire.

This statue is a thousand and a half years old, and another bodhisattva.  He's not nearly as old as the Sumerian receipt for chickens and goats that we saw.  That was dated to 2029 BCE and had the oldest known representation of a human riding a horse!  And we saw it!  

After we left the Museum of the Earth (no pics, sorry) we went to Dano's Hueriger for some great meat products and conversation.

Bob got a new toy.

Of course, there were a thousand great moments that we didn't catch on film.  We shared lots of different beers, both at the restaurants and at home.  We shared stories of travel and talked a lot about our dogs.  Mostly, we just enjoyed the diversion of each other's company.  

All in all, I'd say it was better than...

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Highlights according to the googles.

My google+ account suggested these pictures as highlights.  I'm not sure what that means, but I enjoyed looking through them and got a real kick out of the memories they brought back.  They're not inclusive or deliberate, it's just a stupid algorithm, so if you don't see yourself in there, don't feel bad or get offended.  After all, even the google can't read my emotions... yet.  Let me know what stands out to you, what you remember or what you can figure out.  Thanks for all the great times.