Monday, December 29, 2014

To Murphy

We lost a good friend tonight.  Murphy passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly.  Even as I write this, it's hard for me to believe.  This is my way of processing, I guess.  It's always been easier for me to write than to talk, and looking back at some of the pictures we've taken reminds me of all the good times we had together; not that we need reminding.

He has been Rambo's best friend for several years, now.  They seem like brothers... like the perfect companions.  It will be harder on Rambo than on us, I think.  I have no doubt that horses have incredible bonds to one another.

 Wild and free.

There are two ways that I will always think of Murph. This is one, peeking around the barn as we prepared to bring Rambo to HIS pasture.  Murphy was curious and mischievous every day of his life.  This moment is the perfect encapsulation of both.

This is the other.

It's been quite a ride, old friend.  We will miss you.

Friday, December 26, 2014

June in Christmas

Although it seems everyone has a little bit of the sniffles, we're persevering and managing to have what feels like a lovely spring holiday. I took Indy out this morning in my t-shirt and flip flops. (For the literalists out there, I was also wearing pants). All three of my regular readers have been on our minds a lot this season.  We miss you all and have thought of you often. Hopefully you are enjoying yourselves, too.

I actually got started pretty early on the forging, but still managed to not get much done.  Most of you will be receiving little trinkets, do dads, and burnt pieces of iron in the upcoming weeks and months... As Ian so elegantly said, "winter season" gifts.  Anyway, I'm having fun playing around.  The horseshoe fish are coming out pretty nicely. 

In spite of our best efforts, several people have given us wedding gifts (thank you, that is very thoughtful and it feels good to be loved and wished well). This was without a doubt the most interesting... Pat got us a 4 tonne wench. The Leatherman is there for perspective. The thing weighs 40lbs. Anyway, we're looking forward to not having to mess with the chainsaws this season, we'll just pull the trees out of the ground. 

Life is good. 21st Amendment's winter offering has been a favorite this season.  And, despite the weather, we've gotten to run the stove pretty regularly in the evenings.

Adam gave me a challenge in rehanging his Yosemite hammer. It was quite complex, but I enjoyed using the new portable drill press dad gave me and using my metal working skills to peen rivet the brass rod that secures the head. Hopefully it holds up to a bit of abuse. Send it back if it needs repaired, and I'd suggest wearing safety glasses... and probably a helmet as well. 

On Tuesday, Sarah and I both took the day off and headed to Allegany to spend the day with Adam, Leanna, Gina, and Tony. Originally we'd planned to go skiing, but as there was almost no snow, we opted for a hike instead. It maybe wasn't as exciting, but it provided a nice atmosphere to chat and cost us about $400 less.  We walked on a skimobile path, that was blessedly free of skimobiles, up to an area called Thunder Rock. Jonas came too and managed to get us all there and back as a group. We headed into Ellicottville afterward for some dinner and window shopping. As usual, Ellicottville Brewing Co. was fantastic.  Sarah's favorite story from the trip is about walking into an upscale outfitter and looking at a display on there wall of brown pants, a flannel shirt with a Carhart vest and a Stormy Kromer hat. She says it looked like somebody had deflated me and hung me on the wall.  Anyway, we all got caught up talking about our jobs and dogs and misadventures of various kinds, and must have been having so much fun that we all forgot to take any pictures... So the day will remain as a memory. 

I stopped at Erik's the other day to get some paperwork run by him and found Sebastian and dad working on a gingerbread house. I am always surprised at what a romantic this curmudgeon can be around Christmas time. 

I'd say they did a nice job. 

Sarah and I had a quiet Christmas morning at home. Jonas was like the little kid, interested in the presents and encouraging us to tear in. I was beginning to wonder if one of the ohio crew sent beef jerky or something, but I think he was just remembering everyone. 

Sarah got a sewing machine from mom and dad H!  Although, I'd say the machine will hardly need her.  I'm surprised it didn't come with a robot to feed the fabric in. At any rate, the instructions and possibilities will keep her busy for awhile. 

"Wow! There are A LOT of stitches and patterns and options!"

Jonas got into the holiday spirit...

And so did Eva... Kind of. 

We lounged and chatted on the phone with some of you for most of the rest of the day, then packed up and headed to Jenn and Bob's for the evening. Zhora was in full Christmas glory, running around trying to show us all of her loot at once. She got a scooter with a water bottle. She also got an awesome runner sled from Veneta. Hopefully we get some snow so I... I mean she... Can try it out. Z

I think this watch belongs to Zhora, but Bob was pretty stoked to try it out. 

Now he can call in the princesses whenever he's in danger. 

My favorite shot of the night. Set up and execution by yours truly. 

Gangy helped Zhora try on her new leggings and scarf from Grandma Karen

We sat down for some nice family photos. S

And wrapped up the night with an interesting card game... The best you could say for it was that Veneta learned some new words from her daughters. Meeeeerry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Saturday's Soirée

On the Saturday after Thanksgiving Veneta and Sarah and I hosted a little get together for a small group.  Bob and Jenn did a lot to help us get ready, too; cleaning and moving furniture, cooking and serving, etc.  It was a real team effort.  ALL OF THE PICTURES ARE BY DARREN.  I didn't take any once the party started.

It paid off big time.  It was so great to have a quieter, low key evening with the grandparents especially.  We always feel like we haven't had enough time to sit and chat.  Thanksgiving dinner is great, but there are so many people and all of them are a little tired from cooking and eating.  It was really nice to have some light hor d'oeuvres and quiet conversations.

The fire was awesome, if at times a little hot or a little cold.  Bob and I tried to keep an eye on it.  I let it go out.  Bob burned the room out.  We made a good team.

We definitely benefitted from hosting post turkey day!  Bob worked his butt off in the kitchen, prepping the baguettes with pesto and serving and pushing coffee, beer, wine, and anything else he could get his hands on.

I spent some time aggravating Zhora and considering roads not taken.

After a little more play, it was time for the reveal.

"Taadaa! We're getting married."

Ian is a friend of Veneta's who agreed to say some words for us and make it clear to those present what was actually happening.  Sarah bought a nice new snowflake sweater and I wore my best flannel.  I even tucked it in.

Ian is really tall.

With our powers combined...

we're married!