Friday, July 19, 2013

All future Gerber use goes here, James.

This post is really for James.  This is my way of saying thanks for a tool that changed my life.  I've been trying to take pictures of some of the things I use it for.  I'd say, on the whole, I remember or am able to take photos of use about 25% of the time, so go ahead and extrapolate.  In addition to what you see below, some common uses that I never remember to shoot are: personal grooming (using the knife to trim fingernails, pick summer corn out of happy teeth, cut off longer whiskers (it drives me nuts when I find a long beard hair), removing splinters with the pliers, file down broken nails, etc.  I also brush my teeth with the file because they're just that strong.  They destroy normal toothbrushes... ask Sarah.

 Knife as a pencil.
 Pliers as a nail remover
 Screwing down connections for an electric fence.

 Bending wire.
These are from the last couple weeks.  More to come.  

1 comment:

Karen and Pat said...

Hope James checks your blog! Ian was so proud :-) Woke this morning to rain and 10 degrees less heat - birds, plants & dogs & people all happy. Rain has stopped and it is beginning to clear out - Art in the Park tomorrow. Have an awesome weekend. Love you both xxoo