Sunday, June 9, 2013

Wild Edibles, Life Around the House, Throwin' Hay

This one may get updated, but here's the essentials.  I am continuing on the road that Adam's Forest Service video about axes put me on.  Now I am eating my yard.  We have lots of great flowers and have attracted an awesome quantity, quality, and variety of butterflies and birds.  Sarah and I spent yesterday gardening, and brewing.  Today we threw and stacked hay, rode horses, and worked in the yard.

 This is lambs quarter or wild spinach.  It is totally edible and delicious.  It makes a great base for a salad.  It needs no preparation.  It grows well in good, loamy soil.

 This is clover.  It is not poisonous, but it does taste bad.  It grows pretty much everywhere.

This is what I've always called clover.  It is actually wood sorrel or oxalis, and it tastes great; a little bitter and sour, like lemon.  It can be eaten raw, in a salad, or brewed in tea.  It was used historically to fight scurvy.  It grows in shady, wet soil... and everywhere else according to my yard.

 This is garlic mustard.  The small leaves are spicy and delicious.  They're a little too strong for a base leaf for your salad, but they're great on sandwiches and in salads.

This is dames rocket.  The flowers taste great and super interesting, like... well, flowers.  The rest of the plant tastes like crap, figuratively.

 Grapes.  They're not native, but our plant looks good.

 Hops.  Also not native, but makes beer taste super good, so who cares!

 We have tonnes of yarrow growing all over the place.  It makes a phenomenal tea, though it's definitely not hallucinogenic, no matter what the other boy scouts tell you.  It IS a diuretic, though, so if you drink a lot of it, you will feel like you have to pee a lot... because you will.

 These are Sarah's muddy garden galoshes.  This scene made me super happy this morning!

My dream house.
 My dream girl!


Ian said...
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Ian said...

hey, sorry about that. i found a spelling error that i never would have lived down. anyways, you have been on a roll lately. i need to start carrying my camera more, oh and i need to not have exams to write and grade. can't wait to graze in your yard with you.