Saturday, February 16, 2013

President's Day Weekend with Dad

Dad is up here for the weekend. He keeps reminding us that he's here to work, but so far we have been playing more. Tomorrow we're going to the Rockwell Museum of Western Art. None of us have ever been, and I, at least, am quite excited!
Sarah got a new dog bed that has proved to be quite popular.  As you can see, we have been having some nice sunny days!
Dad got in early so we decided to go out to eat (and drink) at the Ithaca Beer Company.  The food and beer was great, but we weren't the only ones with the idea to go there to eat (and drink) and it was quite loud...  Sarah translated for Dad and me.
The 5 Barrel Series is a small batch experience that is a fun as it is fleeting.  I had the Red Ryesin, which was fantastic.
Dad and I were joined for coffee and chatting by a very happy little puppy.
We went to the Watkins Glen State Park for a cold, beautiful hike.
This scene reminded me of the Ice Queen from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.
This is a very large railroad trestle that crosses Glen Creek.
Trespassing is strictly forbidden, but I figured I'd obeyed enough signs already today.
Dad and Sarah chatted all up and down the trail.  I mostly made pit stops to water the fauna... Guess that's what I get for trying to keep up with Dad on the coffee drinking!
Here we are at our post hike watering hole, Two Goats, outside of Watkins Glen.  Note my awesome, new, AMERICAN MADE hat that Dad bought for me!  It has a three year warranty for damage or loss and a lifetime warranty against defect!

We're having a blast.  More fun and pictures to come.  Wish you all were here.  

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