Monday, September 10, 2012

Another great weekend (heavily doctored photos)

So I got a new camera.  It happens to have a phone option as well.  Here are some of the pictures that I have been creating with it.  We are entering full on fire season here in ithaca... it was actually so cold last night and this morning that I was sporting a fleece coat.
I made a prototype of a super manly end table.  Chainsaw carpentry is good fun, but has some challenges, including but not limited to precision, danger.... well, i guess that really is it.

This is how our kitchen looked until last weekend.  I can't believe we lived with it like this for so long.  No new tile floor, back splash, or counter top, but the transformation is still impressive.  C'mon up and check it out!

The tools of the trade: cordless drill, journal, oktoberfest beer.

This is what I am doing, guys!  Now stop inviting me to come over for a beer.  Come here if you want to hang out.

Painting and beer.  They go together like yard work and beer.
The dogs are wondering why they're not allowed on the big dog bed anymore and why there is no fire in the stove.

This breakfast brought to you by Erik and Margret's chickens, the Piggery (a farm to table establishment), our tomato plants, and Trader Joe's coffee.
The stove still looks and operates like garbage, but somehow the new paint in the kitchen makes it look a little vintage... a nice surprise.

Went for a hike with Sarah and the dogs on Sunday
Still hiking

Still hiking

I actually did nothing to this photo.  This is actually really what the Brooktondale swamp looks like right now.  Very pretty.

Rambo is ready to go.
So is murph.
Kodah chromed this one.  Field and sky out by Pat's house.  Shot from horseback.

Our long horns.  Shot from horseback.

Did a lot of work on this photo.  The corn definitely doesn't look like it's been painted onto the sky in real life
This took some work, too.


Karen and Pat said...

Pretty impressive!! Why buy a
camera if your phone will do this?

I can't wait to see the kitchen make-over. (not to mention the new sofa)I will call when we get on the road. Hopefull won't be in too late.

Adam said...

Great post! Nice to see some of surrounding area. So jealous of the Eastern fall season.