Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bodie Moves In

 This is Bodie.  He's our new ponyhorse.  By our, I mean Pat's, but we get to work with and ride him.
 He's a handsome and curious fellow.
 We're all looking forward to seeing him get in shape, build a little muscle, and lose some of that lawn ornament look he has.

The other guys think he's a weird colour.


Karen and Pat said...

He is really handsome! Is he "trained" to ride? What kind of horse is he? I think you said he was Walker (?) Is that a breed of horse or is that a style of training or something altogether different?

Sarah said...

Hi! Yes he is ride-able, Pat has been riding all three horses for the last 2 nights. Bodie is a double registered Tennessee Walking Horse which is a breed of horse that naturally possesses an ability to perform a smooth-to-ride, intermediate speed, four-beat gait. We are looking forward to riding this weekend!