Thursday, October 27, 2011

New stuff has come to light, man.

Sarah and Emily rode Rambo double. He was a pretty good sport about it.

I bought a lariat a couple weeks ago, and we have since come up with a game called Rope the Indy Dog. Here, Sarah demonstrates the basic precepts of the game. *Note that Indy ducks and runs when the lariat is swung. I assume this means she is enjoying her exercise.

Here Sarah demonstrates the inevitable second stage of the game... rope hits the ground.

Ever wonder how there are so many caterpillars and so many moths and yet you never see any chrysalises? Here's how; they're nearly invisible.

Look at those tiny little web-like connections to the log. Amazing. I set this one aside so that the chrysalis might "hatch" or whatever it's called.

Lastly, it's snowing tonight. What the heck?

1 comment:

Karen and Pat said...

I CAN NOT believe Indy has to be the cow! Did anyone think to ask her if she WANTED to be the cow? Heard you had a fun day of post-hole digging...I moved yet another load of mulch! I should have kept track. I think this summer was a record. Enjoy the white stuff. Rumor has it we are going to be seeing alot of it. Love you:-)