Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011

More stories to come later. Check back in soon.


LeAnna said...

To reiterate, I love that last picture! Looks like you guys had a good time!

Adam said...

Good stuff! Looks like you guys got at least a couple rain-free days to have some fun. Swimming with the horse is definitely one of the stranger things I've seen! Do horses like to swim?

Karen and Pat said...

I am so glad your visit got to happen. I know Megan and James had a great time. When they got home it was 90 and the air conditioner was broken. Pretty sure they wished they were still at your hour! Fun pictures! Love the horse swimming picture also. Why is the water warm enough to swim in already??? Sarah, is the sticker for your mother or me? Megan wasn't sure. The mug is awesome - thanks:-) How much do I owe you? See you soon. Karen

Sarah said...

The sticker is for my mom, if you would like one i can pick one up for you too! I think i might get myself one of those mugs.
It was really a great weekend! So much fun!

Cory said...

I hope the school year is wrapping up nicely for you. This summer I will be keeping a blog and wanted to give you the link so you can follow my travels. The closest we get to Ithaca is a Port Jervis, PA. That would be like a two and a half hour trip, otherwise I would say if you are not busy let's meet up.
