Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7th Snow Storm (snow day!)




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K said...

We got 14" over night! It was crazy. It started out 41 degrees and rainy Sunday morning and by noon it was dumping snow and it didn't stop 'til this morning! Gotta love it. That's another week in the shed for my bike.

Nathan Oberlander said...

Dear God man, say it isn't headed my way! I can't take anymore of this! This winter has been so schizophrenic, one minute it's 60 degrees, the next it is snowing like the set of "Fargo".

Karen and Pat said...

Holy cow, Keith! I had to check my calendar and make sure I was in the right week. Good thing Vaneta didn't come over night, I guess. You can have it all - We are up to 6 snow days and at this point will have to make up 3 of them. Guess who will show up for the 2 Saturday make-up days? Have fun!