Thursday, December 30, 2010

Gone back to Ohio: Christmas 2010

I'm sitting here on our couch this morning, warming myself by the wood stove and the sunshine streaming in the window; the dogs cast about me like so much flotsam. It feels great to be home again. Sarah's still trying to squeeze a couple more moments of sleep out of day, but the coffee's on now, so she'll be up soon and we'll be off. I just want to share some of the better photo's that were captured on our camera from a great weekend with family. We hope you all enjoy the rest of your holiday together and welcome you to our house any time. All the best.

Sorry I cropped her head here, but I love the smile!

Ian took this one. I think it looks like we're racing!


LeAnna said...

nice pictures! it was great seeing you guys

Karen and Pat said...

Well, the house is quiet and a whole week has passed since we put Ian on the plane home. I am just now getting around to some of my normal routines like checking blogs. Thank you so much for posting some Christmas pictures. It was so much fun. What a gift!
Love, Mom

Adam said...

Those pictures of Ian and Eleftheria sledding look like they're straight out of a catalog! Great shots!