Saturday, November 13, 2010

Exciting weekend

So, we had a pretty exciting weekend (still one day to go!). Two of our main ambitions came to fruition this weekend. Below, find pictures of the new wood stove and Rambo, infused with supporting images.

Rambo doing his best Zhora impersonation.

The view from Rambo's new pasture! I think he'll be happy. Keep your fingers crossed for us.


LeAnna said...

do you guys have chickens also? that seems to be the trend around here. i guess they're pretty easy. just one more thing to to add to your menagerie!

K said...

no chickens. that's a friend's. several of our acquaintances have chickens. i don't eat enough eggs to justify all the worrying my friends seem to do about foxes and coyotes. chickens make people paranoid. we DO have a menagerie though! sarah pointed out last night that we now have five species of animals. we spend most of our days feeding, caring for, or playing with them. who's domesticated whom i wonder.

Karen and Pat said...

Some weekends are just plain better than others! Love the sunset photo - I'll be using that one at school. Enjoy:-)

Nathan Oberlander said...

what am i missing here? Horse, dogs, tortoise, finch? what is the fifth species???? did you guys get another pet since last I visited?