Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fall in B-Dale

As you all know, chopping firewood is one of my favorite things to do. I find it very therapeutic to focus so hard on not burying an 8 lb. maul in my shin.

Sarah took this picture. I just think it's really cool. I like the way it's framed and it seems to capture the season really well. At least in my mind.

I always have help. Eva works hard to keep the wood chips from piling up.

This is from a walk that we took on Sunday morning at the Ornithology Lab. The lighting was only mediocre, but the walk was great.

Continuing to learn about the camera Mom and Dad donated to us. Messing with the F stop here.

Fall maple leaves.

The hills by the house
Male Downy on the feeder
His woman-friend


Adam said...

Looks like a nice weekend you guys had. Wish we could join you!

Karen and Pat said...

Hey-saw your pictures the other day, but didn't write. It has been so hectic since we got back, but finally this weekend things settled a little. I thought about you guys especially this evening as your dad and i sat at by the fire and ate dinner. We thought maybe you and Sarah were doing the same thing. I am thinking about having an open house on Sunday evening after Christmas. What do you think? If you are interested, start thinking about who you would like to invite. Much love - see you in a couple of weeks. Will you be in Wed?

Sarah said...

We will be in Wednesday night. Let us know if there are any special requests for anything "Ithacan" that would be a nice addition to T-day! Elaborate on your Christmas open house idea.... Can you believe its November!!! I sure can't! We have even had some snow yesterday and today! Talk to you soon! Love to you and all!