Saturday, September 4, 2010


The Cyclops or something. Bob says it sucks, but I liked the eyeball against the blue building behind it. Downtown Seattle
A balcony on an apartment complex across from Pike's Place Market.
Out the window of Pike's Place
Still a port city
Sarah and Zhora on the balcony at the townhouse
Me, babysitting
Fishery at Westport on the Pacific
Tugboat with the Olympics behind
For Dad. Wish there were five of 'em, but I can only do so much without a National Geographic grant
Jenn and Zhora on the beach.
The Stickel family at the beach
Sarah, Zhora, and Jenn (from left)
Bob and Zhora
Douglas Firs at the house (Pseudotsuga menziesii)
Jenn and Zhora at Agua Verde.
Acer of some kind
Lichen at the arboretum
See above
Anna's Hummingbird at the arboretum (Calypte anna)

Douglas Fir
Doing a better job on my second try.


Ian said...

it has been forever again. i miss you guys like crazy. i miss seattle. i was there for a couple of days when i was there with grandma and grandpa cressman. i fell in love with that city. and the olympic peninsula, crazy beautiful. can't wait to see you at christmas time. hope to talk to you soon. you have internet now so hopefully we'll be able to connect more often. oh yeah, by the way, you both look pretty natural with that baby. haha.

LeAnna said...

great pictures! I've always wanted to see seattle. hope you're enjoying what time you have left before starting school again!