Friday, April 17, 2009

Before I sign off

If you are not currently listening to The Bugle podcasts, your life is shallow and empty. I cannot express strongly enough the greatness that is The Bugle. Download it for free from either i-tunes or their official, though crappy, website:

If you don't like it, don't tell me, as I'll only think less of you. Alright, that's all you get for tonight. Going to read my Patrick O'Brian novel...I'm now on number 2 of, I believe, 17.


Adam said...

Thanks for finally updating your bloggo, mate!

LeAnna said...

I went to the bugle site and read the article about why teachers shouldn't get paid. Hillarious! Thanks for adding another web to list of things to waste time on. Also glad you finally updated! You need to get sarah on here. Tell her and the doggies I said hi!

LeAnna said...

that was supposed to say "web site"

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone had a good time. Hopefully the Germany sticker won't make the Honda act like a Volkswagen!