Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Would you believe...

What can you say about a man who had something to say about everything. Here's to a man who could spin a yarn with no end and create a quilt of stories with no borders or boundaries. Here's to a man who spoke often of D-day and VE-day and of VD. Would you believe he was a real life cow poke? Would you believe that one time he ran a raccoon up a tree with his car? Would you believe, hey, would you believe... Would you believe I miss his stories already... Here's to Papaw... the story teller and yarn spinner, the recounter and fabulist, the soldier hero, the cowboy, the gentleman and lady's man. Get your prayers in quick, God will now be considerably busier.

Earnest Denford McPhaill 7/16/1919 - 4/13/2008


Bobby said...

None of us would be where we are today without the help and influence of that man. He had a way of leaving an impression on you, as many, many people will remember. The world was better with him in it, but he's now a part of all of us.

Karen and Pat said...

dad and i send our love and support to Sarah and you and all who were touched by the life of a very special man. As we all know, grandpas are hard to loose. Love you.

Ian said...

Love and support from across the sea.

Peace and Love