Saturday, April 8, 2017

Emmett's busy week

Week or so... It's been awhile again.  Emmett's been busy.

Helping Papa learn his lines for Anything Goes!  At 38, I'm making my high school drama debut with a cameo role as a bartender on a cruise ship.  Tenure here I come!

We've been getting a lot of rain lately and a good amount of snow fell late in the season, so the melt has produced quite the spectacle at all the falls.  This is Buttermilk, which was a dry rock road when Leanna saw it last summer.  Now it is nearly breaking its banks!  The kid LOVES being outside and the sound of water.

Sarah showed Emmett what his uncle does for a "living" with the toy that he got from Aunt and Uncle Vegas.

The dude was real proud of sinking the floating plane.

Last Saturday was the open house at the vet school at Cornell so Chops and I hung out all day.  We had a marvelous time, but missed Mama.  We had breakfast and got cleaned up and dressed.  Then we picked up some lunch for the girls (Sarah, Jenn, and Zhora were all working the Animal Farm at Cornell) and visited a favorite antique/junk shop.  We found a tie clip and some cuff links for me and a stegosaurus (the first of what will probably be a collection of dinosaurs) and a bell for Chops.  We stopped at Cornell for a bit, but it was lousy with... people.  So we did  a quick tour, petted Minnie and headed out.  On the way home we stopped at Brookton's for awhile and had lunch, chatted with neighbors, and played with their cool toys.

Of course we went for a hike.

We've been on the South Hill Recreation Trail before, but not often, so we had a good time exploring, even though the temperature was dropping.  Pretty soon we were cold and hungry again, so it was time to head home and find the mama.

This isn't a good photo, but it gets the point across.  We went to The Nines for a pizza pie.  Emmett was transfixed by the dumb waiter they use to raise and lower the food between the floors of the converted fire station.  The kitchen is actually on the second floor.  We had so much fun!  The human (smart and nice) waiter was a really good friend and made lots of small talk with Emmett.

Gotta run.  Somebody is stirring.  He's ready for another adventure.  Headed to the dump!

1 comment:

Karen and Pat said...

I act figure out this comment thing. Either it does't post or it posts multiple times...any way, one more attempt to thank you for posting.
All the pics are great, but I especially love how seriously Emmett is taking your play "practice"!