Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Hiking, biking, bathing, and screaming

Yup. Doctors; no bueno.  Turns out Dude has some sense.  As Sarah says, "He's obviously highly intelligent."

We've been to the doctor a few times now.  The monkey man lost a little weight at first, but kept on growing.  Between our first and second visit he grew 1 3/4"!

Sarah's response to the growth.

By some miracle, the garden continues to do well.  It's nice to see all of our hard work paying off.  Duder seems to enjoy being in the Bjorn and outside, so that's been nice.  We have been harvesting kale, lettuce, spinach, and sweet peas.  The potatoes look great!  Sarah just sauteed up some summer squash and onions, and as you can see below, I pulled all the garlic.

That's about half of it.  The heads look really good this year!

Rode the new bike to Brookton's Market and back one day (9 miles round trip) and to work another day (23 miles round trip).  Sometimes even with my hands on the bars.  My initial assessment is that the fork is incredible and I didn't know what I was missing.  120 mm of travel is cool.  Handlebar lockout is a real luxury.  I'll reserve judgement on the 29" wheels until I get some trail time.  They are definitely better on the road!

Only took getting peed on once to figure out that having all the gear at the ready is the best plan.

El Duderino gets his first bath.  He was totally chill about it.

He smells better, too.

Eager to go.
This morning the man and I got up and went for a walk in the woods.  It was a little chilly so we got bundled up.  We grabbed Jonas and headed into the woods.

We got a second walk in with Jonas and the Mama this afternoon.  This time we used the jogging stroller that Uncle Zach and aunt Kristin gave us.  It was a lovely way to wrap up the day as a family.


Karen and Pat said...

How in the world can he look different already??!!!

Maricaritahu said...

beauty baby..:)