Monday, May 23, 2016

Just some filler

Not too much news. Just been keepin on keepin on, lately. Cleaning, gardening, biking and hunting. 

Sebastian's new ride! Note the home brewers bumper sticker... Priceless. 

My eternal supervisor. 

My rides. 

Our dandelion farm.

The kid is going to sleep in this room?!

Climbing trees somewhat safely. 

Then this fell off. 

Chaperoning the junior prom. 

Drove past this guy riding his bike in long underwear and black socks, then past a park full of "adults" hitting each other with Nerf swords. Gotta love Ithaca. 

In a similar vein, we attended an event the other day in a small space with a loud band and a bunch of extroverts who wanted to talk. As we were walking up, I heard the singer ask, "so, who likes kale?!... Awesome! We're going to sing our kale song!"  Then he turned to his band and said, "Don't be afraid to jam out for a bit here at the beginning. This group will totally dig it!"  Everything after that is a blur. 

1 comment:

Ian said...

Let's start bottom up,
1. I sometimes miss the heterogeneous nature of the US and its different cities. Its not that greece is completely homogeneous, but the population feels very similar where-ever you go. with some exceptions of course.
2. that tie though!
3. steep and cheap with the save (or maybe craig's list)
4. false advertising, nothing is squirrel proof
5. your glasses are a little wonky, or maybe just your face, and tree climbing is always safe . . .
6. the band saw will be great for white noise. leave it in the room.
7. the belly's looking good
8. boy do i miss riding, but my body is pretty okay with it.
9. should be fun to see how chopper fits in
10 are you building a bridge for the bike trail?
11/12 don't drink and drive

the pics are fantastic, it was great to talk with you. good luck with all the projects.