Thursday, February 6, 2014

Highlights according to the googles.

My google+ account suggested these pictures as highlights.  I'm not sure what that means, but I enjoyed looking through them and got a real kick out of the memories they brought back.  They're not inclusive or deliberate, it's just a stupid algorithm, so if you don't see yourself in there, don't feel bad or get offended.  After all, even the google can't read my emotions... yet.  Let me know what stands out to you, what you remember or what you can figure out.  Thanks for all the great times.


Nathan Oberlander said...

I may not be in any of these, but I think I took the 2nd picture. That's gotta count for something.

Ian said...

so, here we go:
1. eleftheria loves the fox, and thinks sarah looks sexy with the long hair in the picture with the horse.
2. I like how all three brothers are represented, but never together, a bit sad.
3. we have all changed a lot over time except for you. you look the same.
4. you guys love horses and tools.
5. Zora look scary like Artemis, weird.
6. how did you get google to do this, i want to play too.
7. it just makes me miss you. love you soo much. can't wait to hang out sometime. come and see us.

Ian said...

*Artemis looks a lot like Zora did.

Karen and Pat said...

61Love the retrospective! How fun. Now, make the snow go away so we can travel. Hope you are feeling better and that Sarah has managed to stay well. Hope to see you in a couple of days...

Ian said...

oh, and i forgot to add. greece already made it into your list and you have only been here once. that is how important it is to you, so you have to come again.