Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Day

On Christmas Day, Sarah and I slept in and potsed around the house for quite awhile.  We wound up heading over to Bob and Jenn's a little after noon, I think.  It was really nice to not be in a rush or have a bunch of obligations or anything, and we enjoyed our quiet time together.

Zhora was really into sneaking, so she and Sarah spent some time trying to creep up on Veneta.

But Veneta was awares and did some counter-sneaking surprising!

Remember this is NOT Christmas morning.  We'd gone over for dinner, so don't judge me for having a beer.  The face on the other hand, well, that's harder to explain.

Veneta loves her hat scarf from the "loom lady"!

And we love the aprons that Jenn made us.  They were the perfect gifts as we had no idea we were getting anything, let alone something so cool and hand made.  It's nice to know where you're clothing is made, and it doesn't get much more local than this!

The little ballerina.  Jennifer made the tutu.

Bob and Jenn are into sports, and Jenn was excited to get this jersey from Bob.  She was like a little kid and put it right on even before opening more gifts.

After opening gifts we did some sledding.  As you can see, there wasn't much snow, but we made it work.  Here, Bob does his best Slim Pickens impersonation.  Yeeeeeehaw!

Sarah was definitely the most skilled sledder on the hill.  She has a great understanding of her vehicle and a sensibility that keeps her from trying to run it through the woods.  These are gifts with which I am not endowed.  You'll have to wait for the videos.

We all got pretty banged up sledding on almost bare ground and worked up a good appetite, which worked out well as Jenn had cooked up a big batch of sauerbraten and noodles for everyone.  What a great day!


Karen and Pat said...

That face would make a good label for an IPA! Happy New Year, Dad

Karen and Pat said...

Such fun. How nice for the weather to get it back together for a white Christmas. I really do love the aprons. Kudos to Jenn. Did Bob know what to do with the gift you made for him - he looks puzzled! Happy New Year - Hugs and Kisses to all of you.
Mom xxoo

LeAnna said...

Looks like a super fun day! Nice to have some visuals to go with your sledding stories!

K said...

I shoulda taken a picture of the rock that broke my hip and the tree that separated my collarbone.