Monday, September 2, 2013

Labour Day... literally

Sarah and I took the day off from work to get some work done.  I had a meeting this morning, Sarah made the house look beautiful, then we ran some errands.  After all that activity, we decided to relax by doing some homesteading!

I pressed 6 gallons of cider from our very own apples!  The first part of pressing apples is crushing the apples.  There are more civilized ways to do this, but they all cost more than a Home Depot bucket and a log :-)

3 gallons of apples yields about a gallon of cider.

Sarah made an awesome spicy relish and canned some ungodly amount of tomatoes!  (roughly 17#s)

The jars are going up for the winter.  The cider is currently fermenting for Oktoberfest.

8 hours for labour.  8 hours for recreation.  8 hours for rest. 


Ian said...

man o' man. ya'll are quite the couple. I am so impressed with all of the undertakings that pop up in your house. it is great to see the pics. thanks for sharing.

Karen and Pat said...

MY favorite part of your post? 8 hours for work, 8 hours for recreation, 8 hours for rest. We all need to incorporate that in to our lives. And how much the better when there is some overlap of the 3!! Are you going to make some unfermented cider? Sarah, your canning production is nothing short of amazing!!! LOL