Monday, September 26, 2016

Chilly weather coming....

It's fall all of a sudden.  Last week we had a couple days in the 80s, and then suddenly it broke and the temps dropped fast.  This weekend we had a couple days in the low 60s with nights in the 30s.  Very comfortable flannel and sweater weather.  We've been trying to keep up with the Chopper's growth spurts and it seems like Sarah is constantly sorting clothes.  We already have  a bag ready to be passed onto the next newborn.

The leaves are changing already, too.  We talk a bit about how the drought may affect the leaves.  The consensus seems to be that we'll have a bit of a weak showing this year.  Regardless, we've spent a lot of time outside in the last couple weeks.  My job is keeping me pretty busy between 7 and 7, so we pretty much chill in the evenings during the week.  I'm getting better, with Sarah's support and Emmett's adorableness, at turning off work on the weekends, so we have been pretty pleasantly busy for the last couple.

Emmett lent his critical eye to Sarah's work a couple weeks ago.  The sweet alligator was an early gift from Zach's girls, Nora and Charlotte.

Two weeks ago Zhora, Jenn, and Bob went glamping at a local spot.  We dropped by for an evening.  It's nothing I'd want for myself, what with other people talking and hanging around and tents and fires set up by staff, but the fully stocked bar in the "lobby tent" was pretty sweet.  As far as bars go, it's pretty sweet.

There's no story with this one that I remember.  Emmett loves his jingly elephant.

Last weekend we had our first campfire of the season!  Unbelievable.  Between the new kid, the drought, and the heat, we just haven't gotten out.  Everyone was happy with this fire, including Jonas.

We got out for a walk on the Waterfront Trail and got really excited about doing more of it.  Looking forward to Mom and Dad H coming up soon!

The garden is totally overgrown and past its prime, but Sarah dug out 15 gallons of  potatoes and we got plenty of other produce throughout the season.  I'd say we did pretty well this year.

One of our favorite events is the Migration Celebration at Cornell's Lab of Ornithology.  There's lots of cool stuff, especially for kids, but our favorite thing is the live raptors that are on show.  

This is Sarah's favorite.  I think she's blind in one eye or something (the owl, not Sarah).  All of the birds are injured and living out very comfortable lives at one of the rehab centers on campus.

The new mural at the Lab is incredible.  We looked at it for quite awhile, and could have easily stayed for quite a while longer.

On that same weekend (I think), we went to the farm to table market at Caroline Elementary.  Zhora was selling veggies and flowers there.  We had some great food and juice.  Emmett is now big enough to face forward in his carrier.  I like to have him grab onto my fingers and pretend like he's driving me around.  He likes to chew and drool on the Bjorn.  Bob likes to make weird faces in the background of pictures.  He reminds me a lot of that one ventriloquist dummy from the comedy skit.

The Dude has been doing a lot of reading.  If he ever finds himself on the plains of Africa or in the Andes, he'll have words to describe the animals he sees.

This weekend Sarah got a new bike as an early birthday present from Moms H and B and Dad H and me and Emmett.  Emmett wanted mama to have a new bike so that she can tow him around and get some fresh air.

Our friend Anne surprised us with a gift of a hand knit sweater this weekend!  It is so cool.  It's soft and fits him pretty well, with a little room to grow.  He will definitely fill it out by the end of the winter.

I just can;'t believe that someone can knit a sweater!  We went into town Saturday morning to go to a winter gear sale at Mama Goose, where we scored a couple cool snow suits and some gloves and hats, all for Emmett.  Purity makes a great breakfast that we indulged in, too.  After that, we went over to Anne's to say thank you and hung out for a bit.  Then it was back home to unload, hang out for a bit, and then over to Willa, Sebastian, Erik, and Margaret's for dinner and fun.

Becky knows babies.  This is one of his favorite books.  He looks at the pages for a really long time.

So, the reason we surprised the mama with her new bike early is because there are several biking opportunities in the near future (and recent past).  On Saturday morning I was searching Craigslist, and lo and behold, someone in B-dale was selling a bike trailer for cheap!  I went and picked it up so we could hit the downtown for Streets Alive on Sunday.  It's a cool event where they close off some of the streets in Ithaca and only allow pedestrians and bikers.  We saw a few people we knew, and had a nice time, but in the end, we wanted more.

So we headed over to the Children's Garden and went for our first ride on the Waterfront trail as a family!

It was great.

Finally, we came home and made another campfire.

The days are just packed.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Emmett meets Ohio

We're on the road back home from a quick Labor Day trip to Ohio. It was high time that Emmett got to meet the great grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and the supporting cast from his folks' home state.  I'm kind of a giant stress ball right now, but was able to put the majority of that on the back burner while we enjoyed our visit. We drove in on Friday evening and stayed at Grammy and Pop Harrington's house.

Grandmas Harrington and Cressman came over on Saturday for a little visit after we had breakfast with Kurt and Denise and wandered through the market. At the market Sarah ran into some old friends and we got a chance to see just how much the farmers market has grown in Medina in the last few years. What was a few tables when we first went has grown to cover most of the square. 

Grandma Cressman has awesome rings!

The swing and the camp chairs got a lot of use this weekend.

Shannon and Marjie came over on Saturday, also.

That evening, we gathered around the campfire. We all agreed that it was one of too few fires this summer. That said, it was an especially pleasant time.

Dad and Sarah and Emmett and I got up early on Sunday and headed out to the flea market. As usual we found lots and lots of stuff, but managed to come home with just a couple of treasures. On Sunday afternoon Grammy H graciously hosted a picnic and all were welcome.

Great Grandma harrington was there, and so was great grandma Cressman, Kurt and Denise and Alyssa showed up and Andy and Gail, too. Larry and Lynn stayed for a while and Linda blew through for just a few seconds on our way home from the Outer Banks. Veneta came with her friends Carolyn and Susan as well. Shannon came back and brought Ben with her this time. Nathan showed up, and so did Emily and Nakoa. 

We put some food out that we had picked up at the flea market that morning. It was way better than that sounds. Dad grilled some brats from the Piggery and we served some pulled pork.  The beer came from as far away as Belgium and as near as Ithaca and Cleveland. 

Grandma and grandpa Rockwell get there turn holding the newest great grandkid. 

Back in mama's arms after a long and eventful day.

We woke up this morning and made a leisurely time of it, sharing coffee and breakfast and stories, as usual. Pops took his turn with the chopper. 

One last family shot before we hit the road. Thanks to everyone who made our trip so much fun. We look forward to seeing you all again soon! Come on up and visit if you don't want to wait for us to come back.

Emmett update

Emmett loves Jingley Bird. 

Just kickin' it

Cry baby cinema with Momma

Working out with Momma. 

At a movie in the park with Momma and Pato. 

Chillin with Pato in the grass at Grammy and Pop's house.